Lose The Mommy Belly And Love Your Postpartum Body With These Five Great Exercises

Lose The Mommy Belly And Love Your Postpartum Body With These Five Great Exercises

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Mommy Belly Exercises For Post Pregnancy

Roll out your mat and join me for this quick 12 minute class, featuring some of the most effective exercises to tone your mommy belly and love your postpartum body. 

The exercises are designed to strengthen and tighten the muscles of your stomach, hips, back and buttocks.

The postpartum period is a time of immense change, physically, emotionally and mentally. Every aspect of your life changes and those body changes can leave you feeling frustrated, unmotivated and lacking confidence. 

Pelvic Mama is a community of women who are strong in body, soul, and mind and help one another get stronger. Every woman deserves to feel and look their best after pregnancy.

If you’ve been left with a mommy pooch from pregnancy, you may not realise that it’s often the result of separated abdominal muscles or diastasis recti. 

If you’re interested in learning more about diastasis recti check out this article that provides a clear explanation.

I have many classes dedicated specifically to repairing abdominal separation and a great place to get started is with this class that features six of the best exercises for ab separation.  The connective tissue down your mid-line becomes weakened and your muscles split which causes a protrusion of your belly. No matter how much weight you lose, if you don’t address the damaged muscles, you can still look pregnant months or even years later.

That was the case for me with my second child. I looked pregnant six months after giving birth, which led me to create my online postpartum core recovery program. It was during the peak of covid lockdowns and I knew my clients and hundreds of other mamas at home needed support to heal their core and pelvic floor after pregnancy and birth. 

Motherhood comes with its own set of challenges, and many new moms struggle to lose their postpartum belly, often because they haven’t been educated around the right exercises needed to rehab that part of their body. Secondly because mother’s lack time. 

That’s why i make sure to keep my workouts short and effective. Every class is designed to give you maximum benefit in as little time as possible. One of my most popular postpartum classes, is this 10 minute standing abs workout, which really helps to get you to a place where you feel strong.

So don’t let your belly ruin your joy! Your postpartum body deserves some love too: give it the exercises it needs — not just weight or cardio, but mobility and core strengthening exercises.

In this class, I’ll give you five great exercises that are perfect for your postpartum body (of any size). No matter what your age or shape, these easy-to-master exercises will help love your new body and feel great!

I’ve found strength based yoga to be the most effective method of supporting women’s bodies during pregnancy and postpartum. 

Firstly yoga is a whole body approach. In yoga we recognise that the whole body is connected. It’s not effective to work on a section of your body in isolation, because we want your body to work and move cohesively.

Yoga addresses strength, flexibility, posture and breath. It is a well rounded practice that leaves you feeling and looking great. I will never stop preaching the benefits of yoga. 

Over my many years of teaching to pregnant and postpartum women, i developed a method whereby there is a great success in rehabbing your abdominal muscles, which helps to get rid of mommy belly along with back pain and a range of other unwanted symptoms. 

A woman’s body changes structurally during pregnancy and what is often seen postpartum is that the hips, pelvis and spine are not in optimal alignment. By addressing these imbalances you create long lasting changes in your body, which is a wonderful thing to witness.

If you’re experiencing any back pain due to postural imbalances from pregnancy, this core strength class to fix lower back pain is a great option.

So if you’re feeling like the time has come to get back into shape and finally address the issues you are experiencing with your postpartum body, start with this simple yet effective core yoga class. It’s time to lose your mommy belly and love your postpartum body.

Keep the motivation going and join my free 3 day postpartum exercise program to finally put yourself first and commit to looking and feeling great. Enter your details below and get started now. 

Learn The Five Best Exercises To Fix Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor Issues

You Are 3 Steps Away To Feeling Confident, Strong & Pain Free!


FREE Postpartum Recovery  Guide