How To Fix Diastasis Recti Years Later With 10 Easy Yoga Exercises
How To Fix Diastasis Recti Years Later
It’s been years since your kids were born and you’ve had a hard time fixing the separation in your abdominal muscles. The good news is that it’s not too late to learn how to fix diastasis recti years later, by implementing core yoga exercises and doing them regularly.
Diastasis recti is when your abdominal muscles split apart during pregnancy. It’s believed to occur in more than 60% of pregnant women and is caused by the growing baby placing added pressure on the connective tissue of the working muscles between your ribs and pelvis.
Although it is a fairly common condition, it can be tricky to fix if you don’t know how to go about it. In this quick 10 minute class, we look at how you can fix Diastasis recti years later after giving birth with 10 easy yoga exercises that you can do at home with no equipment needed.
One of my long term clients Cassidy is living proof that it’s possible to fix diastasis recti years later, even after having three children. In a recent interview, she told us that “yoga has helped me heal my diastasis significantly” by increasing her strength, improving her posture and teaching her to breathe properly.
Many women join my classes months and sometimes years after their pregnancies wanting to learn how to fix diastasis recti. They wonder if it’s too late, if they will ever see progress, and whether they should even bother trying to fix their abs.
It can be very frustrating to have diastasis recti. It leaves you feeling discouraged, limited in your workouts, and not in shape at all. This is especially true when it comes to doing ab specific workouts or working out in general.
With the right guidance and plan set in place for you, we are able to set you up for success. You don’t even need long to see results. My practicing yoga for core strength, the results you acheive are long lasting as it addresses postural imbalances in your body which are very common in the spine, hips and pelvis of postpartum women.
An important factor in the success you have repairing your abdominal separation, is learning how to correctly engage your transverse abdominis muscles. By correctly engaging these muscles, you build strength up over time and this helps to bring the gap between the muscles back together.
I teach you a form of breath work that we do throughout each exercise which becomes a strength exercise in itself and significantly helps you to build strength in your core muscles.
You need to know what exercises to do and what exercises to avoid to give you the greatest chance of success. In the early stages of healing your abdominal muscles it’s important to avoid exercises that put too pressure on your intra-abdominal muscles.
As a guideline you;ll never find full planks or crunches in any of my workouts, unless they are advanced for women who have already significantly healed their split abs. As I teach a yoa based method, you;ll also never see poses that overly stretch the abdominal area such as wheel or other back bends, up dog in chataranga.
That’s not to say you will never be able to do those exercises again, it just means while you’re in the repairing phase you need to be a little more cautious of certain exercises and focus on other things.
So let’s get to it! Grab you mat and I’ll see you for class. You don’t need any other equipment. All you need it a mat and a spare ten minutes. Let’s do it!