FAQs About Our Postpartum Program

It is recommended that you get clearance from your doctor before starting any exercise. Every woman is different, but as a general guideline it is best to wait 8 weeks. If possible, I recommend you see a women’s health physiotherapist prior to commencing the course.

Yes you can! Please make sure you’ve been cleared by your doctor first.

Absolutely! No prior yoga experience is needed. The videos provide detailed instruction.

Yes absolutely! Women can heal their pelvic floor years after they had their last baby. There are many success stories of women healing pelvic floor injuries such as prolapse more than ten years after their last baby.

Each class is twenty minutes long. We practice six days a week for eight weeks.

Very little equipment is needed. We use a yoga mat, block and strap. These can be subsituted for items you already have at home if necessary.

The majority of the content is video based. You’ll be able to download or stream to your chosen device. The remainder of the content is in PDF format which you can download or print.

You will experience a significant improvement in your symptoms and physical appearance.

Every woman is different and it depends on the severity of your diagnosis.

Many women report being symptom free and able to live an active lifestyle.

It is important to note that while symptoms will improve, your prolapse may still be there if it is severe. It is important that you seek the care of a medical professional to correctly diagnose you and give you a care plan.