5 Great Exercises To Help With Back Pain During Pregnancy

Ease Back Pain During Pregnancy With These 5 Great Exercises

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Why Do You Get Back Pain During Pregnancy?

Practice this fifteen minute class to get relief from back pain during pregnancy. Practice it two or  or three times a week to prevent your pain from returning.

Back pain in pregnancy can be debilitating and you’ll be surprised how a few simple stretches can really help. This video focuses primarily on reducing pain in your lower back as well as stretching and releasing through your hips.

Back pain is a common — and often very unwelcome — pregnancy symptom. But there are things you can do to ease the discomfort and prevent it from getting worse.

Of course, before starting any exercise program, you should talk to your doctor or midwife. If you’re experiencing back pain during pregnancy, here are some exercises that can offer welcome relief in a safe way.

During pregnancy, the body goes through a number of changes that can put pressure on the back. The extra weight you are carrying increases the amount of work your back muscles have to do, and that can lead to pain and muscle fatigue.

According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, 50 percent of pregnant women experience back pain at some point during pregnancy. The severity of pain can vary, but most women report some level of discomfort. Luckily, there are a few exercises that can ease back pain during pregnancy.

When you become pregnant, the hormone relaxin is released into your body. This hormone relaxes the ligaments in your pelvis so it can accommodate a baby. By relaxing those muscles and ligaments, you’re more prone to injury and pain in your lower back.

A number of other factors may increase your risk for developing low-back pain during pregnancy, including:

• Previous injury or overuse of your back muscles

• Being overweight or obese

• Poor posture

• Scar tissue from previous surgeries

While there are many reasons for backaches in general, pregnancy can cause stress on the muscles and ligaments of your lower back. As your baby grows and your body changes, muscles that weren’t under strain before may become painful today. Your growing belly shifts your center of gravity forward and puts extra weight on your pelvis. Your posture changes as well, which also contributes to backaches in pregnancy. This can also cause sciatica or leg pain with numbness or tingling in the legs because the lumbar nerve roots become compressed by the uterus.

Back pain doesn’t have to be a part of your pregnancy journey. Try these easy exercises to help strengthen your core and spinal muscles and ease back aches for good!

Enjoy mama. I really hope it helps and you get some relief so you can start enjoying your pregnancy again.

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