I Help You Feel Strong and Confident In All Stages Of Pregnancy & Postpartum

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I’m Casey, the founder of Pelvic Mama. Since 2013, I’ve successfully helped hundreds of women with issues such as diastasis recti, back pain and pelvic floor weakness.

Basically, all the things that no one tells you about pregnancy and postpartum but you desperately need support with, I’ve got you covered!

As a mother myself, I am very aware of the need for quick, convenient and highly effective workouts that can be done at home.

Like so many women, you’re probably aware of the importance of core and pelvic floor exercises and have perhaps done some classes or exercises but found it boring. Yep…I get it, who wants to do hundreds of kegels a day like some programs suggest! If something is boring, it’s not getting done and we want results, so there are no boring workouts here!

My classes and programs are expertly led and enjoyable….meaning you look forward to your workouts, rather than it being a chore! I teach a dynamic strength based yoga style with special emphasis and expert guidance on core and pelvic floor exercises as well as exercises for back, neck and hip pain.

In order to see progress in your core after pregnancy, you HAVE to perform the RIGHT exercises and avoid the WRONG exercises. With the right guidance it’s very achievable to fix your issues and reach your goals.

With my real-life experience as a mum of two juggling work and family and my professional experience teaching pre & postnatal yoga, Pelvic Mama is your go-to resource to successfully get the results you desire.

Free Post Pregnancy Yoga

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Discover How To Fix Diastasis Recti And Strengthen Your Abs The Right Way!


FREE Postpartum Recovery  Guide