How You Can Improve Your Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy In 12 Minutes
Exercises For Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy
This class features some of the most effective exercises to fix diastiasis recti after pregnancy. This class is specifically designed for mamas with diastasis recti/abdominal separation or anyone looking to tone and strengthen the tummy area.
Whether you have a moderate or severe diastasis recti, or perhaps mild ab separation, these exercises will help to heal your transverse abdominis. Every women who has been pregnant needs to do rehab work on their core to bring those muscles back towards each other because the integrity of the linea alba and the connective tissue are compromised during pregnancy. It’s really important that you are not doing any core exercises like crunches or planks which will separate that area even more.
These postpartum abdominal exercises specifically target the transverse abdominals (TVA) and pelvic floor muscles, which are both weakened during pregnancy and childbirth.
This postpartum core workout has been designed to safely build the strength needed to heal your diastasis recti after pregnancy, strengthen the pelvic floor and tone your tummy after pregnancy. In order to correct this problem, you need to strengthen the muscles that support your abdominal wall, the transverse abdominis and the internal and external obliques (if you haven’t already done so). With this simple workout, you will be able to strengthen these muscles quickly and effectively with little or no equipment needed!
Diastasis recti after pregnancy is a common condition that develops because the abdominal muscles separate due to the abdomen stretching to make room for your growing baby. Diastasis recti can result in pain and discomfort, as the abdominal muscles are separated from each other. While diastasis recti can be a minor issue, it can also become something more serious over time.
Abdominal muscle separation is the reason for the dreaded mama pooch that can make it extremely challenging to regain a postpartum stomach that is toned and strong. The importance of rehabbing your core and pelvic floor is essential to regaining your physical appearance and also the function of your body. With weak muscles comes back pain, poor posture and range of other unwanted issues.
In some countries postpartum physical therapy is commonplace but in the majority of countries it is severely lacking. I’ve given birth in two major western countries and no more than five minutes of a professional’s time was spent assessing and giving me advice on my core and pelvic floor.
If you have been unhappy with your body since birth and have a host of other unwanted issues, there’s a good chance you need to work to strengthen your core. When you are isolating and specifically targeting the core area, you will see results in 10-15 minutes a day when practiced consistently.
A good video is an important tool for a new exerciser — one that can help you master a new set of movements. That’s why I created this series of postpartum abdominal workout videos. I’ve put together 12 minutes of guidance so you can learn how to do the workouts at home.
Give it a try and let me know how you enjoy it.
If you’re interested in learning more about diastasis recti and would like another class to try, check out this video where I share the 5 best exercises to fix diastasis recti.
Have a great day