6 Incredibly Effective Exercises To Fix Your Separated Abs After Pregnancy

6 Incredibly Effective Exercises To Fix Your Separated Abs After Pregnancy

What Causes Separated Abs

Get your health and fitness goals back on track with this 15 minute workout to fix your separated abs.

Pregnancy and postpartum is a time of significant physical change.

The process of growing and then delivery a baby can take its toll on your body – one common issue is abdominal muscle separation (known as diastasis recti).

This condition can lead to back pain and a host of other issues, but fortunately there are some effective exercises you can do to help fix separated abs after pregnancy.

First, it’s important to understand what causes the separation. The abdominal muscles are connected by a piece of tissue called the linea alba.

During pregnancy, the linea alba stretches as the baby grows, and this stretching can cause the abdominal muscles to separate.

When you are pregnant your abs are forced to stretch as your baby grows. This causes some of the abdominal muscles to separate or tear. In some cases, the muscles remain separated after giving birth. In others, they close up but the skin surrounding them remains stretched permanently.Whatever the case, you can take action to help your abs and core muscles return to health.

You may have a mild separation or perhaps a larger separation (which is known as diastasis recti), whichever the case, these exercises will help you strengthen your muscles.

The postpartum core exercises in this class are meant to strengthen the abdominal muscles that have been stretched and weakened during pregnancy. The exercises are also meant to help with the back pain, pelvic pain and other symptoms of separated abs.

There are a number of reasons why you need to do postpartum core exercises. Some of them include:

– Strengthening your abdominal muscles

– Preventing back pain, pelvic pain, and other symptoms of separated abs

– Improving posture

– Getting rid of your ‘mommy pooch’

The best postpartum core exercises will depend on your  current physical condition. However, it is important to start doing them as soon as possible after delivery (once cleared by a health care professional to resume exercise) to prevent future problems such as pelvic floor dysfunction or back pain.

If you can do this class at least three times a week, you’ll start to see a big improvement in your physical appearance and function of your core.

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